When you're ready for an audit, you're ready for anything!
When is the ideal time for this training?
There are many. Some are predictable, such as right after the Chief Audit Executive finalizes the Audit Plan for the coming year. Some just crop up, such as when an organization’s performance on terms of a contract or a consent order suddenly becomes the subject of scrutiny.
How is the training provided?
Training is provided in the way(s) that are most effective for the Client. Our experience is that in-person training is always the most effective. We all know when people get it, and when they are struggling. Break-out sessions that reinforce learnings are only possible in person. When it’s simply not possible to collect everyone in one place, training can be augmented via online delivery.
Are there training materials?
We provide some training materials. We also provide a list of reference materials, many of which are available for free. For example, the Generally Accepted Government Auditing Standards (GAGAS or “Yellow Book”) is a standard reference for any organization audited to government standards. We can supplement reference materials with an “auditees’ guide” that puts key concepts into the auditees’ perspective
How much of the training is standard, and how much is customized?
There’s always a tradeoff between standardized and customized training, so it depends on each Client’s needs. If you’re in Internal Audit, think about all the audits your group does in a year. They could include areas as diverse as: IT; expense reimbursement policies; cyber-security; conformance to customer management regulations; Sustainability reporting; workplace safety; and contract management. Standardized training will help everybody. Some customized training will be considerably more valuable to these groups – and to the audits.
Can the training be done virtually?
Training can be done virtually. This works best for introductory training, or standardized training. Detailed, customized training and breakout activities work best in person. For global organizations, or where travel isn’t an option, virtual training is better than nothing at all.
What have attendees said about this before?
The response has been gratifying, and overwhelmingly positive. We’ve heard “now I know why they ask these questions,, and “I thought I was doing the auditor a favor when I just showed them the file room” and “this made me understand my own area better.” See the Resources/ Downloads/ Testimonials tab for more.
What have auditors seen as a result?
Auditors have noticed that the auditees are better equipped for the audit when they show up. Auditees aren’t as nervous. They might even have some questions for the auditor. Some auditees volunteer information about gaps, because they understand that the audit report will command management’s attention. Auditees understand that the auditors really are there to help.
How can we assess the effectiveness of the training?
We have simple “quick poll” type of questions that can be administered throughout the training. When the successful completion of training is a job requirement, or a factor in promotion, we can work with Clients to develop more rigorous, appropriate tests. We understand that even simple testing can make people nervous (like audits!), so this is always optional.
How much lead time is required?
We prefer to have at least a month’s notice. Our pre-work includes learning about your company, discussing your key objectives and concerns, and creating examples that your audiences can relate to. For Chief Audit Executives who know when their Audit Plan will be finalized, six or eight months’ notice isn’t too much. Co-sourced efforts require some advance notice.
How does co-sourcing work?
Nobody knows your business like you. You know your strengths, limitations, business goals, and competitive landscape. You know your organization’s culture, systems, and tools. Co-sourcing involves collaboration with a small team of Client personnel. Client personnel can provide insights on past audits, perennial problems, and greatest needs. We have found it extraordinarily useful when the Client staff gives some of the training. By the time training goes live, these trainees won’t be learning it for the first time – they will be implementing the lessons learned, and can talk from personal experience!
How long is the training?
Standard training is one full day.

Clients can also opt for a 2-day package, which provides more hands-on experience, and/or more details for specific high-stakes audits.

A half-day effort on Auditing Fundamentals and general Operational Relevance modules is also available.
What does it cost?
The cost depends upon factors including contact time, the degree of customization, and in some cases the subject areas of the Client’s anticipated audits. Contact us for a budget estimate.
How often should we repeat the training?
Chief Audit Executives prepare audit plans every year. Each plan includes areas for auditing that weren’t audited the year before. Customers may send auditors to your facilities on an ongoing basis, sometimes with changing standards or audit criteria. Companies can find value in providing Audit Preparedness training every year – perhaps to different groups.
Can you help during an audit, too?
Yes – and this can be very impactful! Consider regulators’ inspections to ensure corrections of a Notice of Violation or Consent Order. Or an independent ISO audit that is a condition of acceptance by a big, new customer. The auditees may be understandably anxious, and sometimes even little errors or misunderstandings can have significant consequences. We have participate as “audit coach” for auditees in these situations.
Do you give this training to industry groups, or at conferences?
Yes. These can include a one-hour presentation at a meeting. It can include longer sessions at conferences. These highlight the value in audit preparedness and some key concepts.